Natalie Kinsey
Age: 19
Majors: Business, with an emphasis in sports business
Hometown: Tigard
Year: Sophomore
Emerald: If you had to summarize your platform, what would you say are your key things you’re going to address?
Kinsey: My goals would be to increase the amount of student tickets available for football games and men’s basketball games and to also get more recognition for the non-revenue-generating sports like soccer and softball.
Emerald: What would you say qualifies you to sit on the ADFC next year?
Kinsey: I am a council member in my sorority, I work well on a team. I’ve lead my sorority through a few changes, which have been really good learning experiences. And with the focus in sports business I have a really big interest in sports. And I think the experience would be good and I have a pretty, a lot of knowledge about the background.
Emerald: Why do you want the job? I know you kind of touched on this already.
Kinsey: I think it would be really good experience. It would be fun, a great way to get involved in the campus community a little bit more. I have a passion for sports, obviously, and I think that sports are one of the things that draws people to our school, so if I can help bring more recognition to those I’d be really happy.
Emerald: What would you say, in light of the ASUO retreat to Sunriver, Oregon this year, what is the best way to ensure accountability from student leaders for next year?
Kinsey: First of all, I think people should hold themselves accountable and if you’re running for a Senate position, I don’t think you should be participating in activities like the activities that were participated in on the retreat, but if other people want to hold us accountable, I’d say just stricter rules, policies. But for the most part I think people who want to be leaders on the campus should hold themselves accountable and responsible for their actions.
Emerald: What is the best way, would you say, to reduce the no-show factor at athletic events?
Kinsey: Can you clarify that a little?
Emerald: The no-show factor is when students get a ticket to, like a football game and then do not actually go to the game.
Kinsey: To reduce the no-show factor. Maybe, you know how they have like coupons on the back of the tickets? This is something I just thought of. Like, you could only redeem it if you actually went to the game, like have them stamp it or something. Or, like, you can’t get a ticket unless you went to the game before. I don’t know, maybe more regulation on distributing the tickets. Or also, if you know you’re not going to go, take your ticket to an office or something so they can be redistributed on game day, maybe an hour or two before the game.
Emerald: How do you feel about ticket contract changes, in terms of the ones that have taken place or that need to take place?
Kinsey: I know that they recently decreased the amount of tickets at football games and I think that’s fair seeing as how there is still a problem with the no-show and they can generate more money by selling the tickets. And I know it’s an issue at the men’s basketball games, the band. So to address that issue, I don’t know, I’d have to work with the Senate to determine the best way.