Though I admit to not reading your paper everyday, it seems to me that on those days I am able to pick it up, the news on Iraq is always negative. War itself is not positive but it can and will have a positive outcome when Americans stand behind the effort and start celebrating the good that is coming from us being there. While it is terrible to lose even one life during this campaign, we cannot let them die in vain. Everyday thousands of Iraqi’s are getting fresh water delivered to them, getting electricity for the first time in their lives, and now have the right to vote in a legitimate election for the first time in almost 50 years. Can you not find articles about these things?
With every negative headline, with every television news report that makes it look like Americans are against helping spread democracy to the world and not supporting our president or military, the terrorists win another battle. The worst is over and good things happen every day now; start spreading the good news. You don’t have to forget the bad, just be supportive while you do it.
Shawn Garrett