The LGBTQA would like to address the recent attacks toward our office with an outline of our intent and our requests for the ASUO and Office of Admissions. We support freedom of expression, the free exchange of ideas, freedom of speech and freedom of the press. We agree with the Affirmation of Community Standards that states: “The University of Oregon has a long and illustrious history in the area of academic freedom and freedom of speech. A culture of respect that honors the rights, safety, dignity, and worth of every individual is essential to preserve such freedom.”
We request from all branches of the ASUO to create and enforce a Code of Conduct for Incidental Fee Funded Organizations. The Code of Conduct would adhere to the Non-Discrimination Policy and the Affirmation of Community Standards. We request that a mechanism be created through our student government that can enforce this Code of Conduct upon the student groups through effective management and consequences.
We request that the University administration institute an internal process in regards to staff, students, organizations and others affiliated with the University that has the authority to enforce the Non-Discrimination Policy in its entirety. We believe it is foremost the responsibility of the administration to ensure the safety of all students.
We request that there be an expansion of the Multi-Cultural Academic Requirement to include one mandatory class for all incoming freshman that includes a curriculum which covers the topics of patriarchy, rape culture, racism, sexism, homophobia, trans-phobia, classism and other forms of oppression, and includes skills for treating differences with respect.
We believe these actions are the start of creating a safe campus environment. We are all responsible for the steps it takes to educate and eliminate hate and hate-speech in our community. It is important to note, and we would like to make it clear, that the LGBTQA is not for or against the defunding of the Oregon Commentator. It is the administration’s failure to respond and proactively enforce its own Non-Discrimination Policy that has escalated this situation. We ask that the University administration respond with a plan, which incorporates our requests listed above, by March 18.
Inbox: Conduct Code necessary first step for student safety
Daily Emerald
February 14, 2005
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