Republican Party in need of new representative
In Tuesday’s Inbox I found a commentary piece written by the Chairman of College Republicans here at the University of higher education in Oregon (“Cartoon misrepresents College Republicans,” ODE Oct. 18). This letter of commentary is the fuel behind the concerns in my own letter.
In the likely event that students do not know, Anthony Warren is chairman of this hodgepodge committee called the College Republicans. Allow me to give him some much-needed publicity.
Trying to remain calm while reading the chairman’s editorial, I realized that a pied piper of sorts was leading College Republicans at this university. Like a flute-playing man in spandex, Warren’s misplaced neo-conservative views should be alarming to most people, especially Republicans whose views are being distorted by this man. The reason this is concerning is not because I wish to question the obviously impeccable character of the chairman (as he did to a fellow scholar in critiquing cartoonist Aaron DuChateau); but conversely, I inquire, where is Warren’s respect for the Yin and Yang of American politics? In his commentary, Mr. Warren blindly fires off verbal assaults at professor Chuck Hunt, liberals and a lowly comedic cartoonist. Most troubling however, the chairman exhibits a mentality that prohibits itself from seeing its own ignorance.
Mr. Warren: Why should DuChateau be ashamed of depicting a Republican as a drunk when in fact your leader (and leader of the free world) President George W. Bush has had so many encounters with alcohol that any sober man should gall at the thought of Republicans being vexed at a cartoon poking fun at such ridiculous mishaps? I’m sure no reminder is necessary of a certain DUI arrest in ’76 or his daughters’ public dabbling with alcoholic beverages.
Which brings me to my next point, chairman. This country enjoys a separation of church and state. I just want to make sure you realize there is a distinction when talking about Jesus and Bush. Are you a fascist chairman? I ask because, like it or not, your passion for being in the school of hard-knock conservatives is pushing you to a right-wing realm you may not even be aware of. Next time you’re massaging your beretta by the fireside, realize that the dank odor of fascism could be creeping in when your Republican Party starts blurring that line between Politics, God and America.
My point is, chairman, do not mock the people of Eugene by throwing a tizzy-fit at a cartoonist trying to entertain his target demographic. The arrogance you displayed by calling popularity to question in your commentary piece can easily be turned against you and the many social factions that inherently appoint friends to you. Remember, there is always a bigger fish in the pond. If I were you, I would apologize to Mr. DuChateau for your rude remarks, and realize that your “much needed” Republican voice could be better served in this community. Please feel free to contact me if you could use some pointers in this or any matter.
Pete Limbaugh
University Student
Daily Emerald
October 20, 2005
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