Writers in the student body and community will get a chance to have their work featured in Oregon Quarterly, as the University’s alumni magazine begins to accept entries for its sixth annual Northwest Perspectives Essay Contest.
The magazine is accepting
entries in two categories. One is open to the community at large, while the other is reserved specifically for student entries. The top entry in each category will be published in Oregon Quarterly, which has a circulation of about 100,000.
The top three entries in the
open category will receive prizes ranging from a $50 University Bookstore gift certificate to $500 cash for first place.
The top entry for the student
category will receive $250, while the second place writer will receive a $75 University Bookstore gift certificate.
These five winning essays, three in the open category and two in the student category, will be read at a public reading.
Author Lauren Kessler, a journalism professor at the University, will judge the entries. The 15 finalists will have an opportunity to attend a workshop led by Kessler, who directs the University’s graduate program in literary nonfiction.
Entries should be unpublished, nonfiction essays about ideas that affect the Northwest.
The maximum length for an essay is 2,500 words in the open category and 2,000 in the student category. There is no fee for entry and the submission deadline is Jan. 31.
Only one entry is permitted per person, and entries must be formatted for blind judging. Certain entry restrictions apply.
For more information on specific entry guidelines, visit Oregon
Quarterly’s Web site at
In Brief: Award opportunities for nonfiction writing
Daily Emerald
January 2, 2005
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