How the hell are our elected student leaders “hesitant” to keep the library open during dead week and finals? What’s next: student leaders hesitant
to turn the lights on in Lillis? These leaders waste money on useless
and embarrassing retreats, where they apparently learn absolutely nothing about leadership. Houston, we have a drinking problem.
It’s amazingly depressing to see such an implosion of responsibility and fiscal management by people who get paid to serve the student body. My student fees are not a play-pen full of money for you people to toss about as you see fit. How about taking one of the paychecks you extract from student fees and, in light of such inept performance, donate it back to the school. It’ll be like a little refund to the students who aren’t getting their money’s worth from their leaders. Maybe it could go towards a functioning library during finals.
George Yioulos
Inbox: Please stop playing around with my money, ASUO
Daily Emerald
January 20, 2005
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