Recently, I read the new spin ASUO is taking to protect the senators who paid for their good times with our student account. What’s most surprising is the public’s willingness to swallow such ignorance without any hint of offense to their intellect.
The ASUO claims the original intent of the retreat was accomplished; therefore, there is no reason to make the senators “do the right thing.” While it’s reassuring that our senators can get the job done through a haze of marijuana fog and in a drunken stupor, I just don’t think this is the kind of “retreat” students should have to support. Last I checked, marijuana was an illegal substance. Not only did they break student conduct guidelines, they broke state and federal law.
What is most devastating is the knowledge that one day these senators will grow up and perhaps take positions of leadership in our communities and governments. Will they maintain this cocky, brazen attitude? I suppose it has less to do with the abuse of power and more to do with the power to abuse. Hey, maybe they are fit to govern after all.
Opey Freedle
Inbox: Public buys into ignorant Sunriver spin
Daily Emerald
January 10, 2005
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