Friday’s incident at H.P. Barnhart, where almost $3,000 worth of women’s clothing and personal effects was stolen, only proves something we should already know: Residence hall inhabitants should lock their doors.
After a series of recent attacks and masturbation incidents on campus, residence hall dwellers (and the campus community, in general) should already be on alert for shady characters and take reasonable safety precautions. Residence halls should be a place where students feel comfortable and safe, but students who live in residence halls must also be aware of their responsibility to protect themselves.
Locking doors is a simple precaution that can help avoid events like Friday’s underwear theft incident. Although police believe the thief was a Barnhart resident, if neighbors had remembered to lock their doors, the suspect would have had a significant problem entering any room but his or her own. While the University has an important responsibility to keep residents safe, residents also share a personal obligation to take reasonable safety precautions themselves.
Campus residents should take proper safety precautions
Daily Emerald
April 9, 2002
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