Imagine this: Ralph Nader comes to campus three times within a month, and his presence sparks a grassroots student movement.
No, we’re not talking about the Green Party.
Thirty-two years and a few days ago, Nader and his Raiders visited the University and told students that they needed to get involved in politics.
“Anybody who is proud to be a member of the silent majority has resigned from democracy, and that’s nothing to be proud of,” he told the Emerald on Oct. 12, 1970.
Instead of ending their civic involvement, University students immediately created the Oregon Public Interest Research Group (later to become OSPIRG, with the “S” being added for “Student”).
In order to receive funding, OSPIRG needed to get 50 percent of the entire student body to sign a petition supporting the new group.
Within two weeks of canvassing, OSPIRG collected 7,744 names — more than the 50 percent needed. On March 9, 1971, the State Board of Higher Education approved the establishment and funding of OSPIRG at OUS schools.
Today in Portland, OSPIRG is celebrating its 30th birthday. For better or worse, OSPIRG receives many dollars in student funds and works on a variety of issues and campaigns. Happy birthday.