A matter of unfortunate timing resulted in a University student being cited for disorderly conduct by the Eugene Police Department on Wednesday while utilizing the campus free speech zone — the EMU Amphitheater.
The situation started when a religious group began yelling, “You’re going to Hell,” through a megaphone at students passing by. At least two students complained to the Department of Public Safety, DPS Associate Director Tom Hicks said.
DPS sent two officers to the scene who then contacted the complainants. At that time, he said, an individual began yelling obscenities at the officers.
Don Goldman is a graduate of the journalism program and current student who believes in free speech. Since last April, every day at noon, 6 p.m. and midnight, he stands in the amphitheater expressing his feelings about everything from the USA Patriot Act to the 2000 presidential election process in Florida. Goldman said his medium for communication is performance art.
“I’m disgusted at the direction that our country is going and that no one is doing anything about it,” he said. “So I thought about what I could do and thought about the free speech forum.”
Usually, there may be 50 people when he starts performing, but by the end, there are seven people at the most, he said.
Yesterday, there were about 150 students on their way to class when he decided to perform what he calls his “Fuck Speech.”
“I didn’t even know (DPS) was there,” he said.
DPS had a different view.
“He didn’t stop his tirade and continued to yell; he was creating a disorderly situation,” Hicks said.
Goldman said that his speech wasn’t meant to be directed at anyone in particular.
“I was doing a performance that said ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck you pigs.’ I was just yelling…as is my right,” he said.
The amphitheater is a designated free speech zone on campus, but Hicks says there are limitations.
“People certainly have a right to express themselves, but the University has a right to dictate the time, place and manner in which it is done,” he said.
Because DPS couldn’t resolve the situation, Hicks said the officers called EPD to take care of the matter. Police put Goldman in handcuffs and gave him a citation.
Goldman defends his actions.
“This is a free speech forum,” he said. “As long as you’re not using amplified speech, people are allowed to speak 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”
The situation with the religious group ended with at least two students filing grievances with the ASUO, Student Senate Vice President Kate Kranzush said. Kranzush added she believed the group was arrested by EPD for trespassing.
As for Goldman, he will repeat his “Fuck Speech” on Friday at noon, and continue his daily performances at least until the end of the term.
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