ASUO Senate funds Night Ride
The ASUO Student Senate voted 10-6 on Wednesday night to transfer $300 from surplus funds to Night Ride, a new University service which will offer rides to both men and women. Program director Nikki Fancher said the money would be used for outreach and program publicity costs.
Debate among senators centered not on the use of the money, but on the validity of Night Ride. The program was created in response to a federal Office of Civil Rights investigation, which found that the University service Project Saferide discriminated against men by offering rides only to women.
Sen. Andy Elliott, who voted against the motion, said he did not support the creation of Night Ride because he believed it would be more efficient to incorporate the new program into Saferide.
Night Ride “makes absolutely no fiscal sense,” Elliot said.
Senators voted unanimously to transfer $4,000 from surplus funds to the Student Insurgent. The money will be used to pay a speaker at a conference sponsored by the group.
Senators approved a special request by Asian-Pacific American Student Union to transfer money within the group’s budget. A request by the International Student Association for $100 of surplus money for programming was also approved; another request by the ISA was tabled.
Senators also voted to table a $500 request by the Multicultural Center for retreat expenses because a date for the retreat had not yet been set.
Senate President Peter Watts announced the resignation of Programs Finance Committee senator Eddy Morales. Morales said in a letter he resigned because he was no longer attending the University.
Senators unanimously voted to appoint freshmen Andrea Hall and Meryl Kusyk to the ASUO Elections Board.
— Kara Cogswell