Student Senate funds
Pacific Islands Club
The ASUO Student Senate allocated money to the Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation and the Pacific Islands Club at Wednesday’s meeting.
JELL requested money to fund a symposium scheduled for Jan. 31 and Feb. 1. The group is hosting several speakers for the two-day environmental law conference, including Winona LaDuke, and needs money to cover expenses. The board voted 10 to 2 to allocate $2,771 to help fund the event.
Nicole Shanahan, a representative from the Pacific Islands Club, requested $300 to get the group up and running. She said the group was started in 1999, but it never received funding and has been inactive for the past two years.
“We want to bring the various and vast cultures of the Pacific islands to Eugene,” she said.
Senate President Peter Watts supported the group’s request.
“We should try and nurture new clubs, especially since this is a culture not represented on campus,” he told the board.
The board unanimously agreed to allocate $300 to the club.
— Diane Huber
UO staff members
to receive MLK awards
The University will present four employees with this year’s Martin Luther King Jr. awards at noon in the Gerlinger Lounge. The awards are given for promoting cultural diversity and striving for racial justice.
Given each year, the awards are certificates that resemble high school diplomas and are issued by University President Dave Frohnmayer .
Hors d’oeuvres will precede the ceremony at 11:30 a.m.
The recipients are: Anita Weiss, international studies professor; Wendy Mitchell, business school academic programs assistant dean; Michael Jefferis, student records specialist; and Carla Gary, multicultural affairs office director.
— Eric Martin