Not everyone has super-white skin
I’m writing about the recent article “Blister In The Sun” (ODE, May 29). It seemed to me like the Emerald was supposing that almost everyone has the super-white northern European skin type that cannot handle the sun.
I believe at least some of us evolved under the sun and consequently not only can handle sun, but require it for physiological balance. And this includes the ultraviolet light as well.
Have you ever heard of studies by Dr. Ott? I think he found that UV light is necessary in order for some hormonal balance in our bodies. If I always wear sunglasses, my vision will become weak, and I may be more depressed. My eyes will not know how to deal with the natural sunlight so essential for life on this planet. Maybe the Emerald should print an article on this topic as well.
My main concern was the fact that the article seemed to neglect people that do not burn (usually) and people with pigmented skin. Will I live 10 years longer if I wear manmade chemicals on my skin everyday? Maybe the Emerald could also look into naturally occurring sunscreens. Thanks for listening, and please, the sun is not evil.
Guru Rattan Khalsa
environmental studies