Middle East occupation
must end for peace
Regarding Friday’s Emerald article about the excellent Middle East slide show and presentation by four speakers, we were puzzled by the closing comment, which said the speakers “shared one common ground: Both sides must cooperate” (“Vivid slide show demonstrates hope for Middle East Peace,” ODE, May 31).
The issue of both sides cooperating is so clearly obvious that it wasn’t specifically raised during the conference. Rather, the substantial common ground among the four speakers and the concluding message of the event, was: The occupation must end before real progress can begin.
Brian Bogart
Madoka Kusakabe
graduate student
Eugene Middle East Peace Group
Reusable plate project
accomplished its goals
I am very disappointed at the inaccurate article in the Emerald regarding the reusable plate project at the Folk Festival on May 28.
To set the record straight:
* The reusable plate project was very successful. Using plates reduced the waste by 22 percent while recycling/ composting efforts reduced the waste by 67 percent. More than 75 volunteers (many students) participated.
* The project was the first of its kind and a model for other waste-reduced events around the country.
* The project was proposed by me, a student, and was supported by Campus Recycling.
* This was a pilot project that went off smoothly and got rave reviews.
* The projected was funded to serve the Folk Festival as a free event and was never presented or funded to include a deposit system.
* Though there was some plate loss, this was built into the funding. The project is being evaluated for improvement for future events. Savings from
using disposables is also funding
replacement of lost plates.
Please help by returning any plates from the Folk Festival to Campus Recycling through campus mail to:
Campus Recycling, 1276 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403.
Campus Recycling is a program that is recognized worldwide while providing hands on opportunities for thousands of University students. The reusable plate project was a success. I hope the Emerald can find space in the future to celebrate the fiscal responsibility and integrity that Campus Recycling prides itself on.
Jon Borgida
PPPM student
events coordinator
Campus Recycling