It’s almost here: spring break, the time-honored college tradition involving drunken debauchery and other really fun stuff. However, we want to offer a word of caution. No one needs more riots.
Over the past few weekends, the Eugene Police Department has cracked down on minors in possession. More than 50 MIPs were handed out by EPD in the past two weeks alone. And we’ve heard stories recently about less-than-pleasant student interactions with police. And with the approach of the end of school, students are ready for release.
We understand that for the most part, the police are only doing their job. Although we’ve taken issue with police tactics in the past, their conduct with most parties isn’t part of it. What we fear, though, is the rhetoric on both sides being amped up by recent party busts. Students could see the police as enemies who live to break up parties, and the police could see students as out-of-control enemies who hate the police. Neither of these stories are true, and we worry these hostile feelings could erupt into more riots.
So take care this weekend. The term will be over soon enough. Host parties that don’t draw the attention of police, and if they do come to your house, act like an adult. Spring break should be about having a good time, not having to call the parents to explain the bill for a riot.
Hey kids: Party like an adult this weekend
Daily Emerald
March 13, 2003
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