Aspiring politicians
to battle Monday
A tidal wave of leadership-minded students have flooded onto the political arena to fight for the right to represent University students’ interests next school year.
This year there are six tickets running for ASUO Executive, ready to lead the University’s student government in the upcoming school year. But before they can stand like sentinels against infringement on students’ rights, they must prove themselves in a battle of wits and words at a debate 7 p.m. Monday in the EMU Ballroom.
ASUO Elections Manager Michelle Rose said the debate will be mediated by current ASUO President Rachel Pilliod. Candidates will be asked three questions pertaining to student government by a small panel of leaders in the University community. Then the floor will be opened up to allow members of the audience to ask questions of the political hopefuls.
— Jennifer Bear
Six ASUO candidates
drop election bids
The ASUO elections arena has grown thinner as more candidates officially drop their bids for election. Six candidates have bowed out of the election completely, and one candidate has moved to a new race.
Programs Finance Committee Senate Seat 1 candidate Thomas Wortman and PFC Senate Seat 2 candidate Faryl Kagan, as well as EMU board Finance Senator candidate Guru Simrat Khalsa, all have officially withdrawn from their races, according to elections officials. Richie Carpenter moved from the EMU board At-Large two-year term race to the Associate Students Presidential Advisory Council race, leaving one EMU board At-Large two-year position unfilled and another unopposed.
ASPAC candidate Adam Betzelberger told the Emerald in March that he would be dropping out of his race.
Elections officials confirmed that executive candidate Garrett Hinds and senate candidate Sami Hayden did officially drop from the race.
The Emerald is publishing elections coverage through Tuesday, but the interview stories published in the paper are not the full transcripts. To read the interviews in their entirety, go to, mouse-over the “News” link, and when the menu pops up, click on “ASUO elections.”
Look for a full updated list of candidates in Monday’s Emerald.
— Staff writers