Gabe brings RHA,
ASUO experience
to Senate Seat 4
In looking at the two candidates for Senate Seat 4, which is also an EMU Board seat, I encourage voters to look at candidate Gabe V. Kjos. I personally have known and have had the privilege of working with him for the past two years as a member of the Residence Hall Association. Kjos has proven himself an effective leader who listens to all views before making decisions.
RHA is very similar to the ASUO Student Senate, but on a smaller scale. The association deals with budgeting, working with campus groups and issues like viewpoint neutrality and creating sound policy. Gabe’s experience as the vice president of RHA and as National Communications Coordinator, a position that serves our school on a national level to other residence halls, will be very applicable to the EMU Board.
Gabe also has been working as an ASUO intern for the past year, so he not only has the outside perspective, giving him the ability to think “outside the box,” but he also has the ASUO “insider” knowledge about the structure of the system. For these reasons and more, I proudly endorse Kjos as our next senator for Seat 4.
Jordan Marx
political science
Support Jordan for
social science seat
I am writing to express my support for Jordan Marx as your next social science senator. Jordan has been involved in numerous different campus organizations that contribute to his qualifications to hold this position. He has been very active in the Residence Hall Association Housing Government, which has a very similar structure to the ASUO but works on a more intimate scale. As a part of RHA, Jordan helped to deal with issues concerning viewpoint neutrality, budgeting, interacting with campus groups and creating sound housing policy. He was rewarded for his work in the RHA by being voted their 2001-02 Member of the Year.
Jordan has also worked for University Housing as a resident assistant for the past year. During his time as an RA, Jordan has had the opportunity to face many different situations, ranging from alcohol poisoning and suicide to diversity and academic issues.
Jordan’s commitment and work ethic, combined with his platform for diversity, campus safety, greater access to government and financial responsibility make him the practical student senate choice. So remember to vote Jordan Marx for Student Senate Seat 15, Social Science!
Celia Cheung
computer science
Christa and Greg
will improve
residence hall life
When looking at ASUO Executive candidates, there is only one ticket that is clearly ready to help better residence hall life for all students. Based on their experience in various aspects of student government and campus life, these reasons should give students more than enough reason to elect Christa Shively and Greg Bae to represent them.
Christa has proved her leadership ability in her tenure as EMU Board chair and has helped the communication between the EMU and the senate greatly improve. As ASUO president and vice president, they will both fight to keep tuition low and not limit access to higher education by fighting to keep state aid.
One of their most important platform issues is to get a universal food point system between the EMU and University Housing, which is a very reasonable goal, and one that many students support, as well as reinstituting a housing contract. When looking at an executive ticket, students must be able to elect a ticket that has a variety of experiences in campus life — and Christa and Greg exemplify this. Please join me in electing Christa Shively and Greg Bae as ASUO president and vice president on April 21-23.
Gabe V. Kjos
vice president
Residence Hall Association
Maddy and Eddy will
be effective leaders
I am writing to offer my overwhelming endorsement of Maddy Melton and Eddy Morales for the ASUO Executive. Understanding the complexities of the position, from a local, as well as state and federal level, I can say without reservation, that this ticket will work to represent all students.
Whoever is elected to the ASUO Presidency will also serve as the interim board chair of the Oregon Student Association during the final half of the legislative session. Having worked as an intern with the organization, and having lobbied extensively on the state and federal level, Maddy Melton would be well suited for this role.
Additionally, this ticket offers an established relationship with the United States Student Association (Maddy serves on the Advisory Committee) and, as a result, comes with a network of colleagues and student leaders who will collaborate to provide examples of what has worked elsewhere, as well as to organize around national issues concerning higher education.
In short, Maddy and Eddy are the only candidates who will prove effective next year in all arenas, from finances to diversity to legislative policy. They are true to their values and they will organize and fight to represent students at the University of Oregon.
Rachel Pilliod
political science