Three students are running for ASUO Student Seat 17, Business, an academic position that represents students in the Charles H. Lundquist College of Business. The candidate who is elected to this position will be responsible for helping the senate decide where and when to invest surplus money next year.
The Emerald asked each candidate three general questions and one specific question about student government: What is the most important part of Senate Rules Section 5, which lists senators’ duties?
Erik Fordyce is a junior and business administration major with a finance concentration. He is a member of the University Investment Group, and he worked last term as a financial planning intern at Merrill Lynch. He did not know that Section 5 lists senators’ duties, but he said a senator’s most important responsibility is to actively represent the interests of students.
Q: What are the most important issues facing the students you would represent?
Fordyce: The most important issue is not getting enough opportunities outside of campus. We just don’t have enough quality companies coming to the University any more. That’s my main goal, is getting more opportunities for students to plan their future instead of going out into the working world not really knowing what they’re going to do.
Q: How will you figure out how to spend the surplus?
Fordyce: Basically take every activity, see what the allocation of funds is for that activity, the importance. I believe that within the coming years, groups and organizations should be sponsored more by the school. I think the University doesn’t do enough to promote growth in clubs. The importance for business students is to get companies to come and more job opportunities.
Scott Koketsu did not wish to be interviewed by the Emerald.
Bethany Larson is a freshman business administration major and has been an ASUO intern since fall term. Larson did not know Section 5 listed senators’ duties and could not give an example of any duties.
Q: What are the most important issues facing the students you would represent?
Larson: I think the most important issues for the business school are just increasing knowledge and awareness of the business school, as well as the programs within the business school, like the honors clubs. And the programs within the business school that are helping to students to increase their knowledge, like all the free tutoring, and all the other programs on campus that are used for tutoring.
Q: How will you figure out how to spend the surplus?
Larson: Based on where it’s needed and where it’s going to do the most good; what clubs, which area of the ASUO it’s going to be used best in, and where it’s going to be best for the students, and — since it is part of my money — where I would want it spent as well. Looking at (in the) past where it’s been spent. Looking at which clubs and activities are growing and which are being used most by students and which are in high demand. By looking at wholes. The Emerald has a lot of information on student voices.
Click below to see the full transcript of the candidate’s interview:
Fordyce InterviewLarson Interview
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