My Big Fat Greek Wedding (film), noon, Women’s Center, free.
Kalman Balogh and the Gypsy Cimbalom Band (performance), noon, 229 McKenzie, free, 346-2852.
“Burning Books and Burying Scholars — A Good Idea?” Stephen Durrant (lecture), 4 p.m., Gerlinger Lounge, free, 346-3950.
“What Makes a War Just?” (discussion), 7:30-9 p.m., Dyment Hall Lounge, Walton Complex, 1595 E. 15th Ave., 346-5414.
Educational Leadership Dissertation Defense, 1:30 p.m., 125 Chapman, 346-5011.
“Dealing with Plagiarism” (discussion), 2:30-3:50 p.m., Knight Library Studio A, free.
Soprano Jennifer Bacon (recital), 5:30 p.m., Beall Hall, free.
Flute class recital, 8 p.m., Beall Hall, free.
ASUO Candidates Fair, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., EMU Concourse, free.
“International Week Open Mic Night” (performance), 7-8:45 p.m., EMU International Lounge, free.
Campus Buzz
Daily Emerald
April 7, 2003
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