So it’s Friday afternoon, and I’m one of two
people left in the newsroom right now. My blog is
approximately 18 minutes late. Seems to be the story
of my week. Dave Matthews softly showers from the
computer next to me, and I feel my body finally
starting to relax — ahh — despite the icky sickness
I’ve felt in waves throughout the day.
Do I have any nuggets of wisdom to dispense this
week? No. Do I ever? I only have sighs of relief that
it’s over, and the only thing I learned (or
re-learned) was that NOTHING turns out how you plan.
The streets were a corridor of rushing all five
days, and it felt like no matter how fast I walked,
the asphalt just escalated beneath me, like a tablecloth being pulled
from underneath, leaving dishes
on bare wood.
I hope I always have the sense to know when too
much is too much, and I hope I always have the means
to relax… something I haven’t seen much of lately.
Speaking of relaxation, I just wrote an article on
people who play video games in excess. I was browsing
a Web site dedicated to helping video game addicts
when an ad for a contest where you could win a free
Xbox popped up. Now that’s irony.
With that conglomeration of random thoughts, I’m
off to (hopefully) recapture some sanity tomorrow and
start preparing for next week. After that, it’s back
to work.
Life is good, and more insightful and highly
original thoughts like these will be available next
My blog is now 42 minutes late.
For more Blogs by this writer and other members of the Oregon Daily Emerald Staff, follow this link.