Evil euthanasia ideas are nothing new
It is true that our government may not always have the best leaders running it, but after reading Peter Sur’s idea in “Selective euthanasia can save the world” (ODE, Feb. 7) about killing everybody who doesn’t have an important role in society, I am certainly glad that we don’t have people like him in our government.
At first glance I thought his letter was a joke, and I am still unsure whether or not it was. His ideas are so incredibly evil and sinister that I see no way that a sane individual could conjure them up. Everyone has the right to life, born or unborn — that is what America means. That is what patriots have been willing to die for in the past. Just because someone may appear useless to society doesn’t mean they deserve to die.
And one more thing. Your ideas aren’t all that revolutionary. Not too long ago, a man with similar ideas came to power and started “cleaning” his nation of useless people in order to get rid of population and economic problems. His name was Hitler.
Zachary White