Quacks to the pro-Bush demonstrators. They’ve finally come out in a cohesive manner to present their side of the war debate, and everyone is well-served by more voices joining the discussion.
Smacks to Fox for booting “American Idol” contestant Frenchelle Davis after it was discovered she appeared topless on a pornographic Web site. Since when is something too raunchy for Fox? This is not a network entitled to pass moral judgment.
Quacks to the anti-war demonstrators for championing the loyal opposition to war. This is a life-and-death issue, and more people should be out in the streets about it.
Smacks to House Speaker Dennis Hastert, who thinks
we should ban French and German products such as Perrier, Evian and French wine because they haven’t agreed to Bush’s war plans for Iraq. Come on, stop acting like children on
a playground. What next, will Bush give Jacque Chirac and Gerhard Schroeder the “silent treatment”?
Quacks to Holy Cow Cafe, for their “plate club” program. The cafe is (pardon the expression) killing three birds with one stone: It cuts down on the disposable trash generated by the EMU food court, it keeps the Folk Festival plates from taking up storage space, and by renting the plates from the ASUO, it generates some cash for the student government.
Smacks to the idea of “date auctions,” of either gender, by any group, even for charity. Even though the dates are platonic, it still sends the wrong message: That humans are pieces of meat to be sold.
Quacks to the University for new student numbers on the ID cards. Identity theft is a real possibility, and we commend the University for taking social security numbers off the cards.
Smacks to the University for waiting so long to take social security numbers off the ID cards. This was a dumb idea from the beginning. At this point, it’s a little like locking the barn door after the horse ran away.