EPD says heightened patrol helped reduce incidents
The Eugene Police Department deployed an extra 34 patrol officers and five sergeants Friday evening in preparation for Halloween.
Mischief during the night was kept to a minimum, which was partially due to the increased patrol, EPD spokeswoman Kerry Delf said.
Fifty-two people were cited with having an open container and 34 were cited with minor in possession of alcohol in the campus area, according to an EPD press release.
“We were hoping things would go well, and it appears that they did,” Delf said.
Delf said that even though there were no riots, there was enough underage drinking to keep officers busy throughout the night.
Other citations in the campus area included six traffic infractions, four citations for littering and three citations for urinating in public. One citation was given for interfering with a police officer, one for driving under the influence and one for criminal mischief in the second degree.
In the West University neighborhood, officers cited one person with urinating in public.
Extra officers were deployed partially because Halloween was on a Friday. The last time Halloween fell on a weekend was in 1998, when people took to the streets and about a dozen arrests were made.
— Ali Shaughnessy