The ASUO Student Senate referred a proposed resolution to its Rules Committee on Monday night that would formally censure student leaders and a professional staff member for an error that cost senators $5,400 in lost wages, according to the proposed resolution.
The proposal, if approved by the Rules Committee, “formally condemns and censures the 2002-03 ASUO Executive, the 2002-03 Elections Board, the 2002-2003 ASUO Constitution Court and the ASUO Accounting Coordinator for their involvement in causing the several thousand-dollar error and creating hardship for the individual senators who relied on their actions.”
The resolution also says “the 2003-2004 Election Packet incorrectly stated the stipend for elected senators.” Senators said in past meetings they were promised a stipend of $175 a month but are currently receiving only $125.
“They screwed up royally,” Senator Colin Andries said. “It’s basically our way of saying to these groups, ‘You screwed up and we’re not very happy about it.’”
ASUO Accounting Coordinator Jennifer Creighton-Neiwert declined to accept responsibility for the mistake.
“I would not have had a role in the elections packet being created,” Creighton-Neiwert said. “I actually didn’t see the election packet last year until it was approved by the Con(stitution) Court.”
The Rules Committee will consider the matter within seven days, and the senate will deal with the resolution at its next meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 3.
The senate also voted 13-0 to approve a $405 request from Kultura Pilipinas to hold a holiday event for Filipinos on campus and in the Eugene community.
“Having a Christmas get-together is our way of fostering the community and getting the community and students together,” Kultura Pilipinas representative Maria Hwang said. The senate released $30 from Kultura Pilipinas’ food holding account at the group’s request as well.
The senate also postponed a request from campus radio station KWVA for two new computers, pending a decision on the station’s minor equipment request.
KWVA is moving to a touch-screen computer system and needs equipment to support it, said KWVA General Manager Charlotte Nisser.
“Part of our struggle is keeping up with technology,” Nisser said. “It would be nice to have the computers in place just to make life easier.”
Senate Ombudsman Mike Sherman said the request was unusual.
“Last year, we didn’t have any equipment requests from surplus,” he said. “We’re kind of moving into new territory here.”
Senator Kevin Day said that tickets for the Dec. 17 men’s basketball game against Santa Clara University will be distributed Dec. 1 and that only about 305 student tickets will be available.
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