ASUO Student Senate
confirms candidates
This fall’s first ASUO Student Senate meeting ran briskly on Wednesday night with multiple nominations and confirmations concluding in less than 40 minutes.
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The senate confirmed Adam Petkun’s nomination to the ASUO Constitution Court, 12-2. One senator expressed concern that law students had no voice in the nomination process.
ASUO Vice President Eddy Morales responded that the ASUO had only thirty days to fill the vacancy, which took place while law students were away for summer break.
“He’s really familiar with the three branches of government here,” Morales said in support of Petkun’s nomination.
Petkun said he was pleased to
be confirmed.
“I’m prepared to be a steward for the incidental fee and the programs for which it provides,” Petkun said.
Nicholas Hudson, a former ASUO intern, was confirmed as an executive appointee to the Athletic Department Finance Committee by a 13-1 vote.
“I’d really like to become more involved with the athletic department,” Hudson said.
The Senate also confirmed Mike Sherman’s nomination for Senate Seat 14. Rachel Pilliod, last year’s ASUO president and the initial choice, withdrew her application.
“I really think I can hit the ground running,” said Sherman, who was nominated by a 14-0 vote.
Sherman was concerned that the finance side of the senate not overshadow the academic side.
The senate also nominated Ben Strawn for senate president and Kevin Day for vice president. Sherman and Rodrigo Moreno received nominations for ombudsman.
After ASUO President Maddy Melton noted that the nominations included no women, Aryn Clark joined Kevin Curtin as a nominee for treasurer.
Rebecca Shively refused a nomination for treasurer.
The senate also appointed senators to the University senate.
After a weekend retreat to Sunriver, the senate will meet at 7 p.m. on Wednesday to confirm this week’s nominations and other business.
Senators were urged to attend this weekend’s retreat because they can miss only one meeting during the term.
— Chuck Slothower