I’m wondering if a week really is long or not? With no school
Friday, it
changes things, and my last class ends Thursday at noon. I can’t
complain. I
have noticed that between two jobs, school and playing ultimate, I
have time for anything or anyone, much less all my homework. It seems I
from one event to another. I never feel that I get to focus on one
subbject for school or any of my hobbies. Photography being one of
them, of
course. Art takes so much time, and I barely have time to delve into
new before I have to turn my attention elsewhere. An average day might
consist of:
6:00 a.m. — wake up and work out
followed by eating, of couse, and homework
10 a.m. — class
afterward go to the Emerald
afternoon — class
back to the emerald
3 p.m. to 6 p.m. — ultimate practice
then back to the emerald
home to shower and eat
then homework starting around 9 p.m.
This doesn’t include going to my other job, taking the pictures for
assignments at the Emerald and the errands I run all over town all the
We also can’t forget the few TV shows that people can be addicted to.
include “Smallville,” “The Bachelorette” and “Joe Millionaire.” I am
tempted to start
watching “Man vs. Beast” thanks to teammates talking about how funny it
But I
have to admit I love being busy and hate to stop moving.
My favorite photo assignments are the ones that you can’t even
accomplish. It
isn’t because of the reporters or anything; it just sometimes happens.
Twice this
week I went to an assignment and they wouldn’t let me take pictures.
usually isn’t a problem, except they were across town, and the muffler
my car
had eroded through on one side and was hanging in the hole that it had
Sometimes it would fall out of the hole, and because it was already
loud, it would create an ear-deafening noise that you
couldn’t take for longer than five minutes. Needless to say it is
Well, I’m glad this is a three-day (four for me) weekend. I look at
it as a
time for more homework and time to get some snowboarding in. Until next
Jeremy Forrest Blog #02
Daily Emerald
January 17, 2003
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