The end is near, of winter term at least. With finals and dead week coming up, this is the worst time to slack off. But if you do begin to slack off, here are a couple of ideas on what to do this weekend.
Organized by the Salseros Dance Company, the second annual Eugene Salsa Festival kicks off Feb. 27, and runs through March 1. This weekend-long festival will have a handful of activities that everyone can enjoy, including live music, workshops and performances. The festival is open to anyone curious about the Cuban dance style. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never set foot on a dance floor; people of all experience levels are welcome.
The Salsero Dance Company dedicates itself to promoting Latino culture through salsa dance and music. With this being only the second festival ever, organizers hope to increase its attendance.
The festival will be held at the Vet’s Club building (1626 Willamette St.) and admission varies between activities and days. Tickets range from $15 for an evening pass, to $125 for a full events pass.
Feb. 27-28 Oregon Game Studies Conference 2015
Hosted by Think.Play, a student group founded in 2011 to highlight academic discussion about video games and their culture, this event aims at expanding to include others outside the university community. Allen Hall, room 140. Check their blog for updates.
Feb. 27 Eco Fashion Show
Fashion week in New York ended a week ago, and now it’s headed to Milan, Italy. This weekend, fashion week is making a stop in Eugene. Students submitted designs and some have been selected to be modeled on the runway. One twist, each design can only be made out of “upcycled” clothing. Global Scholars Hall, room 123, 8-10 p.m. FREE.
Feb. 27-March 1 The Odyssey
Flashback to high school when you had to analyze Homer’s epic, or even now in a literature/English course. Now you can enjoy Ballet Fantastique reenact this classic on stage. Hult Center (7th Avenue and Willamette Street), $29-35, 2:30 p.m. an 7:30 p.m.
Feb. 28-March 1 Photo Weekend in Eugene
Perfect for someone interested photography, but has no idea where to begin. This two-day course will be instructed by Tim Cooper and Tony Rizzuto. 1000 Valley River Way, $109 for one-day or $159 for two-day courses.
Feb. 27 Mary Stuart
This seven time Tony Award nominated play has its opening night Friday at Northwest Classical Theatre Company. The play explores what any person in a position of power has to choose: whether or not to keep that power, or choose love. 2110 SE 10th Ave., $22, 7:30 p.m.-12 a.m.
Feb. 28 Parks and Rec with Geeks Who Drink
#TreatYoSelf and grab your five friends that binge on Parks and Rec to form your team of six and quiz your knowledge on the Golden Globe award-winning show. 6835 SW Macadam Ave., $5 per person, 1 p.m.
Feb. 28 Portland’s Dinner Detective
Take part in America’s largest murder mystery comedy dinner show. You get some delicious meals made from fresh and local farms, and you get to solve the murder mystery. 1441 NE 2nd Ave., $60, 6:15 p.m.
Feb. 29 Threesome
The world premiere of this witty play follows a couple through the struggle on deciding whether or not to partake in a threesome. Though this show is presented as a comedy, it touches base on issues of sexism and independence. 128 NW 11th Ave., $35, 2 p.m.
Follow Mike Mendoza on Twitter: @MikeWheresIke.
The University of Oregon has dropped its counterclaim against the lawsuit filed by a student alleging that men’s basketball coach Dana Altman and other administrators acted negligently in recruiting Brandon Austin.