Take a Minute is a daily post that will catch you up on Internet happenings on campus and around the world.
Nearly 18 years after Time magazine came under intense fire for infamously altering a photo of O.J. Simpson, the magazine is again receiving flak for their front cover. The cover in question features an attractive 26-year-old mom breastfeeding her 3-year-old son. (I’ll give you a second to go back and click that link.)
Back with me? Okay, good. Predictably, reactions have run the spectrum. While some complain the article is needlessly voyeuristic, others say the cover will help the country get over unwarranted squeamishness when it comes to breastfeeding.
Here’s what Twitter had to say.
Time magazine is proof — MOTHER’S are UNIQUE, STRONG & SPECIAL people!!! =) Buenas Noches!!
— Eileen CCampos (@EileenCCampos) May 11, 2012
Dear Time magazine: I sincerely do not care HOW another mother feeds her kids as long as she feeds them. — financierob6 (@financierob6) May 11, 2012
Does anyone else find the Time magazine cover absolutely revolting, or is it just me? — Emily S.(@itsemilylol) May 11, 2012
Okay so I just saw the Time Magazine cover everybody has been talking about. And I just threw up in my mouth.
— Sonya Phillips (@foolishmagnet) May 11, 2012
Congrats to Justin Bieber & Cameron Diaz on their Time Magazine cover! Looking forward to release of your new rom-com ‘Are You Mom Enough?’
— Matthew O’Brien (@mattob34) May 10, 2012
Photo of the day
Best one I’ve seen in days: Here’s a delightfully weird photo of Jamie Lee Curtis and Eddie Murphy.
Video of the day
I don’t know what the best takeaway from this video is. First, yes, Brent Anderson makes an insane catch on the Frisbee after trailing it for about 20 yards. But — what? Ultimate Frisbee is an actually legitimate sport? With organized teams?
And it’s televised?
I love the announcer’s informative joy as he tells us that, yes, this weather is perfect for Ultimate. It’s cool, but there’s no wind. Of course.
Think you found something worthy of the next Take a Minute? Hit me up on Twitter!