It’s Presidents’ Day, and we’re a nostalgic bunch. But not in a normal way.
So when we started thinking through content for this Presidents’ Day, we all knew one thing: We were going to give you the ten presidents we most wish would show up at a party.
10. Grover Cleveland@@checked name@@ — He needed four years off in the middle of his term in the middle of the Gilded Age. He had himself some fun.
9. George W. Bush — He was a terrible president. But come on, think about it.
8. Abraham Lincoln
7. Teddy Roosevelt — These pictures exist.
6. John Quincy Adams — Good ol’ Quince.
5. William Howard Taft
4. Thomas Jefferson
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt — He had a role in ending prohibition. ‘Nuff said.
2. Bill Clinton — Impeach Schnapps, anyone?
1. John F. Kennedy — Women wanted him, men wanted to be him.
Top 10: Presidents we wish we could party with
Daily Emerald
February 18, 2012