Ah, drinking games – the glorious shenanigans created for those who would get bored in the sober-to-buzzed/hammered time period.
Here is a guide to drinking games that progresses from the simple, to the clever and to the idiotic (or hardcore, depending on your philosophical leaning):
— Beer Pong
Pretty much everyone knows this classic. When a ball takes a dunk, people start to get drunk. Make sure to choose a partner who is hand-eye coordinated, massive and therefore has a more resistant BAC, or who is really skilled when drunk. So people like basketball players, the entire UO football team, Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Barry from the movie “Beerfest” should do the trick. Want to up the game? Instead of beer, put Monster or Rockstar drinks into the cup, tell people it’s rum, and see what quirky plot twists occur after the third or fourth drink.
— King’s Cup
This game can get intense with all of the drink mixing. If you’re a Chemistry major, you have a serious advantage. You can anticipate what drink you should get ahead of time based on what everyone else is drinking, and then have the ability to concoct the most nuclear-waste-tasting alcoholic drink when it is your turn to pour into the king’s cup. Be nice to science majors, folks.
— What word is it anyway?
Choose a random or relevant word and take a drink whenever it is said in a movie or a song. For instance, drinking to “Forrest” in the movie “Forrest Gump” could be the best time of your life and your worst idea ever, simultaneously. And don’t try this at home, or anywhere else, really: Choose a commonly recurring word to drink to for an entire music genre. It could be “baby” for pop songs, “oh/oooh” for acoustic folk songs, “yeah!” for rock n’ roll, “death/die” for metal, “Jesus” for Christian rock or “bitches” for rap & hip-hop.
— Insanity
Go to an Oregon State football game – wait, wait, just stick with me here – and have yourself decked out in UO attire. Take a shot for every time you get booed, hissed, heckled, or stuff thrown at you. That would be quite the night to remember … or not remember?