Here at the Emerald, we have a 90-year history of archives that we can examine for the sake of institutional knowledge and historical framing. Here’s a glimpse of that Emerald history with a weekly feature, giving you a look into what was happening this day in the past.
Enjoy the tough stuff in life @@checked link@@
Laura Lucas | Emerald archives
June 5, 2000
I know that, supposedly, all I need to know I learned in kindergarten. Well, apparently I didn’t remember it all, because college proved to be a solid learning ground for me as well.
Not that you all need a lesson on how much you can mature and broaden your horizons in college. Between juggling your finals, securing summer jobs and internships and selecting classes for next year, I doubt you’re even reading this.
We got some mixed results from students a few weeks ago when we announced we would be decreasing our print run this fall. Many of you have expressed that you will miss the tradition of a daily on campus (or possibly not having a Sudoku for that boring geology lecture). There’s a problem with some of that tradition though; take a look at the lead paragraphs to this column. From the headline to the opening sentence (both amazingly cliche), it’s clear there will be little originality to this year-end column. It’s not Ms. Lucas’s fault, it’s just in the grind of the daily paper.
But looking ahead, there is one huge thing you can look forward to this fall in us letting go of some tradition: Less of this clearly busy-work meant to fulfill “what’s always been done” and “what’s needed to fill space,” and more in depth stories that will have impact and dynamic content on the web.
It’s not going to be easy, exactly, but we’re looking forward to the ways that we can serve you better. And you should look forward to that too.