Emerald: How do you juggle fatherhood, basketball and school all at once?
Brooks: It’s hard to do it by yourself but when you’ve got somebody else to help you with it, it’s easier. You just have to prioritize.
Emerald: What’s your favorite opposing venue?
Brooks: That’s a good question. I’ll say Washington. I’ve played there quite a few times growing up. And it’s like another home court, you’ve got a lot of people yelling at you but I’ve got a good feel to it.
Emerald: Who’s your favorite former Oregon athlete?
Brooks: Brandon Lincoln. He’s my best friend and he played hard every time. He never knew how long he was going to play but when he got into the game he played his hardest and I think he’s a great role model.
Emerald: Who’s the worst person to sit next to on a long flight?
Brooks: Probably Ray (Schafer) because he’s so tall and he’ll want to talk all the time. You’ll be cramped and then have to answer a lot of questions.
Emerald: What does he want to talk about?
Brooks: Anything. From basketball to trees to the weather that we’re having. I don’t know, it can be just about anything you can think of.
Emerald: So you’ll have an early-morning flight and he’ll be wanting to chit-chat the entire time?
Brooks: I think Ray will get up at five in the morning because he’s wide awake no matter what time we get up. So if I have to sit by Ray, I know I’m going to have to wear some headphones or something.
Emerald: Finish this sentence. Coach Kent…
Brooks: Coach Kent is an excellent coach, a nice guy and I’m glad he’s my coach and I’m glad he lets me play. I want to keep my playing time so I’ll leave it at that.