College is a unique time and place in our lives. No times before or after can really compare to the experiences you have and the people you meet while you’re here. We’ve come a long way from those first few days after we moved into the dorms, when college still seemed exciting and somehow dangerous. Now, with one foot out the door, we get to reminisce. There’s just something about a culture created almost exclusively by 20-somethings that you cannot find anywhere else, and we will likely never experience again.
So, as we get ready to enter the “real world” and we start to look back on our years here, what will you miss the most?
? Being able to wear sweat pants and other loungewear at any time of any day to any event
? Pulling an all-nighter on a Tuesday for a project, turning it in and then spending all of Wednesday sleeping it off
? Burritos, pizza or Dough Co. at 2 a.m. any day of the week
? Reading and responding to text messages immediately without regard for the context you’re in
? Playing video games all the time
? Getting away with little to no sleep, nutrition or exercise
? Taking 10-minute breaks every hour you’re working, writing or studying
? Eating whatever you want for breakfast, especially if it’s after noon
? Going to class completely unshaven, unbathed and hungover from the night before
? Non-stop Facebook
? Drinking at any time of the day without feeling like an alcoholic.
? Using the “I’m in college” excuse for any lewd, inappropriate or illegal behavior
? Loan deferment
? Top Ramen for any and every meal
? “I was drunk” being a legitimate excuse for most transgressions
? General lack of responsibility
? Having days that end before 3 p.m.
? Themed parties
? Drinking games
? Greek formals
? How easy it is to meet people
? Professors who will do everything they can to help you succeed – unlike your boss
? The people
? Late-night adventures
Missing College
Daily Emerald
May 31, 2009
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