A bold benchmark
The ASUO Senate recommended the Athletics and Contracts Finance Committee that buys LTD group rate bus passes and football tickets have the same budget for next year as it does this year. That could restructure the way the ASUO funds both and save students a lot of money. The final budget for the committee will likely be higher than recommended — and this benchmark may be too low — but it was a strong signal that the Senate is ready to play hardball with LTD and the athletic department.
Napping to learn
A study led by researchers at Northwestern University found that hearing certain sounds during a nap helped people remember information associated with those sounds once they woke up. “When you take a nap or have a full night’s sleep after learning something, you’re actually better at it the morning after,” said John Rudoy, a graduate student at Northwestern and the study’s lead author.
The University of California Board of Regents
The board approved a plan on Thursday to raise tuition 32 percent during the next two years, including a 15-percent increase in January, to help make up for steep cuts in state funding. Let’s hope Oregon doesn’t get any ideas from our unfortunate southern neighbor.
Spirit, the Mars rover
Since May, the rover has been stuck in what appears to be a sand trap on Mars. On Tuesday, it attempted to free itself — and … epic fail. Well, guess that’s another multi-million dollar project down the drain. Maybe it was a practical joke by a group of Martians. Or maybe the rover just lost its spirit.
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The week in thumbs
Daily Emerald
November 19, 2009