Last week, I woke up at 6 a.m., put on my blue shirt, stood in the cold and talked to students daily for one reason: I want students to know about Reality Check.
I’d definitely call myself a “progressive” student. I strongly care about the environment and spent months volunteering for the Obama campaign.
Before this campaign, I had absolutely no experience with the ASUO.
I decided to get involved and support Alex, Alden and Reality Check because they are the only slate that offers tangible goals for campus.
Reality Check has concrete plans for increasing student parking, enhancing student football tickets, improving the LTD contract, and advocating for the best new EMU possible. Alex has a record of accomplishing creative growth on behalf of students.
However, the ASUO is about more than allocating funds. The ASUO is my representation as a student. Alex and Alden are extremely qualified and eager to be the link UO students need to the ASUO.
Don’t be fooled by other slates claiming to be “progressive” or “independent.” That is just a campaign tactic. Reality Check values what ASUO “outsiders” think.
Reality Check is literally a campaign run by a third-year journalism student with no ASUO experience. The other side has paid professional campaigners, and we have signs we painted by ourselves in The Duck Store.
We’re tired of the ASUO being run by special interests. We aren’t “insiders.” We are students from all backgrounds and ideologies who believe the ASUO needs a Reality Check.
Reality Check slate offers concrete, tangible goals
Daily Emerald
April 4, 2010
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