“Success for my buddies, success for my friends” serves as the opening line to “Harvey,” a track from Alex G’s 2014 LP DSU, and success is something that both Alex G and his current tourmates of the band Porches, are coming to know well.
Though Porches has been receiving recent praise for their newest LP Pool through being featured in Harper’s Bazaar and gaining a Best New Music stamp from Pitchfork, and Alex G has been written up in publications like SPIN and Rolling Stone, both artists began their claim to fame with great modesty – releasing their music on websites like Bandcamp and garnering a small, yet dedicated fan base.
As they’ve gained more recognizable popularity in the last few years, both artists are perfect examples of why it’s important to pay good attention to the underdogs. Those small fan bases has been growing and evolving over the years, as have both artists’ music. Both Alex G and Porches have had a knack for seamlessly curating different musical styles from release to release.
Alex G’s earlier releases, such as his EP PAINT, are filled with mostly lo-fi, disjointed and demanding electronic tracks;the more polished Beach Music (2015) is an indie-rock extravaganza with experimental elements. Porches’ dark yet sentimental journey of Slow Dance in the Cosmos (2013) is distinct to this year’s release Pool, a flowing, intense, electronic record.
One thing remains solidified for both artists: their ability to latch onto the hearts and souls of their listeners.
Whether or not you’ve directly experienced the heartache or homesickness, or pure and unabashed joy that both artists’ songs readily touch on, it’s impossible not to feel emotionally connected to them while listening.
Alex G and Porches have both recently been signed to Domino Records for their most recent album releases, and have teamed up for a nationwide tour.
The artists will hit Portland, at Analog Theater (720 SE Hawthorne Blvd) on Thursday, March 24. Show begins at 7 p.m. Tickets are $12 in advance and $14 at the door. All ages. Tickets can be purchased online here.
Watch the music videos for Porches’ “Be Apart” and Alex G’s “Kicker” below.
Preview: Porches and Alex G to play Portland over spring break
Meerah Powell
March 19, 2016
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