Emily Smith’s report on the consequences for reselling prescription amphetamines (“Student arrested for selling prescription drugs,” ODE April 12) mentions that students with felony drug charges are not eligible for financial aid. This is true. However, students in Oregon should be aware that the law extends beyond felony violations.
According to the Drug Provision of the Higher Education Act of 1998, a student convicted of any drug offense will be penalized not only by the criminal justice system, but through the financial aid system too. Individuals with one possession conviction are ineligible to receive aid for one year. If they have two possession convictions, they are penalized for two years, while three convictions lead to a permanent aid ban. Students lose aid for two years for one sale conviction and permanently for two convictions.
These penalties stick, regardless of whether the convictions were misdemeanor or felony. Because the law only hurts students who need financial aid, it is discriminatory against the poor. Because minorities are convicted of drug offenses at disproportionate rates, it hinders African-American and Latino students, also at disproportionate rates, from getting an education.
So far, over 160,500 students have lost aid because of this policy. Thankfully, Senator Gordon Smith of Oregon has said he would like to introduce legislation to repeal this law. University students should visit www.RaiseYourVoice.com and contact him to ensure that all students have equal access to education.
–Brian Dolber
Outreach Coordinator, Coalition for Higher Education Act Reform,
Washington, D.C
Inbox: Financial aid eligibility laws discriminate against poor
Daily Emerald
April 13, 2005
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