We applaud the courage it takes for people to address bias incidents like Julie Lauderbaugh did in her column (“Attacking assault,” ODE, May 1). We agree that hiding hate or bias-related incidents will not provide a safe and welcoming campus for anyone.
We also know that we can’t and won’t pretend our community members are not subjected to biased language and acts. Our first thoughts: No student, no person should have to endure violence and harassment. Our second: We are here to help.
Community is about being there for each other, when times are tough; the Bias Response Team is here.
The fundamental role of the University of Oregon Bias Response Team is to provide targets of bias a safe space to have their voices heard and to promote civility and respect. We want to effect change around these important issues in a quick and effective manner and to ensure a comprehensive response to bias incidents.
The BRT can help individuals connect to resources in each of these areas for appropriate resolution. The BRT also functions to ensure the evaluation of policies and procedures at the University. The Bias Response Team does not handle student conduct code violations, affirmative action issues, or issues of state or federal law.
However, we can provide support in reporting incidents to DPS or EPD. We can support a student if the event is a conduct code violation. A bias response process can provide trained advocates to assist with a vital response to critical issues.
We wish bias incidents like these did not exist, but in order to address them, people need to report them. If we don’t know about specific incidents, we can’t respond to them. We take bias incidents seriously and use a variety of tools and techniques to work with students, faculty and staff.
Only together can faculty, staff and students address these issues and affect campus climate. It is not a problem for a faculty member or a student or the administration to solve on their own. Only together can we ensure the University is a place we all feel welcomed and supported.
Find out more information at http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~brt/. The Bias Response Team can be reached
at [email protected].