ASUO campaigns are everywhere these days. Campaigners are on the streets, flyers are up around campus and every campaign has a social media presence. We Are Oregon, Ducks F.I.R.S.T. and UO Forward all have Facebook pages but recently some new ‘campaigns’ may have sprung up on your timeline.
Two rival pages, ‘Dixie Normous For D Prezz’ and ‘Freida Breast 4 Prez 4 ASUO 4 EVA’, joined Facebook.
Both accounts lobby for votes, typically through memes and typos.
For example the “about” section of the two Facebook pages say:
“i am longing to b d ASUO president.”
i am disgustud by thiez smear campiagne
Posted by Dixie Normous For D Prezz on Friday, March 13, 2015
“Hei, mei name iz Freida, Freida Breast. I am a strong independent wopersxn. I am runing against Dixie Normouse 4 ASUO prez.”
According to UO Find People search, neither Dixie Normous nor Freida Breast currently attends the University of Oregon. Stay tuned to see if the campaigns receive any write-in votes.
*This is not an April Fools joke*