The truth is out there for Robert Hastings and his college lecture tour titled, “UFOs: The Secret Story,” presented Monday night by the UO Cultural Forum@@
Hastings, who was a laboratory analyst for Philips Semiconductors in New Mexico, has independently studied UFOs and UFO-related events with the military and independent civilian encounters for nearly 40 years. Using the Freedom of Information Act@@, Hastings was able to collect evidence from the U.S. government as well as anecdotal evidence from over 120 retired or former U.S. military officers like Bob Salas.@@
At Malmstrom Air Force Base@@ in 1967, in a missile launch control room underground, launch-control officer Salas was hunched over the weapons launch-control panel for a routine weapons test launch. Calls began to come down from the topside guards into the launch control room about strange lights flying in the sky.
“About five minutes later, the main security guard, the Flight Security Controller, called me up and said that he was looking at glowing red object, very large, hovering over the front gate,” Salas said in an interview with Larry King in 2008.
Suddenly and inexplicably, the entire flight of 10 Minuteman missiles@@ would malfunction and become unable to launch.
Bob Jamison, a missile control targeting officer at Malmstrom@@, would come in to troubleshoot the malfunctions and return the missiles to launch status.
“It’s very rare for one missile to malfunction, and even rarer for two to malfunction at a time. But 10 being ‘no-go’ for launch all at once is unheard of,” Jamison said.
This is but one of the instances Hastings will talk about today in his lecture.
“People are quite intrigued about the documented nature of my work,” Hastings said.
In 2010, CNN broadcasted his UFO-Nukes national press conference in which several Air Force officers and Hastings would speak about the UFO phenomenon for an hour and a half.
“I believe, and these gentlemen believe, that this planet is being visited by beings from another world, who, for whatever reason, have taken an interest in the nuclear arms race which began at the end of World War II,” Hastings said.
Hastings has also posited the opinion that these alien visitors may have a vested interest in stopping the usage of these weapons.
“My opinion is that whoever are aboard these crafts, are sending a signal to both Washington, Moscow, among others that we are playing with fire,” Hastings said.
Hastings is also the author of “UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites.”@@
“I don’t expect any results in the near term. The powers that be are holding all the cards,” Hastings said. “To them, I’m probably just a nuisance.”
Do you want to believe? The lecture begins at 7 p.m. in 177 Lawrence Hall and is free to attend.