Name: Lisa Inoue
Year: Senior
Major: Advertising
Hometown: Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
“I used to read a lot of fashion magazines, but I don’t have any time to do it over here, but I used to read [them] a lot… that is typical for Japanese kids to do, after school you stop by the bookstore and just read the entire thing for free,” Inoue said.
Fashion Inspiration: Japanese hipster style and people watching. “They wear used stuff that’s pretty expensive and antique, it’s really fashionable, nice and clean and a little bit funky.”
Most recent fashion purchase: Bought socks at Costco. “Winter is coming, I needed to have really good socks.”
Fashion trends you like right now: Dirty-looking boots, cool backpacks, digital watches, like Baby G G-Shock series.
Trends that you hate right now: Wearing Nike from head to toe.
Define Eugene style: Leather boots, skinny pants, backpacks with a folding top, and a color combination of brown, navy, and dark colors. Everyone wears beanies.
Fashion: Tour my closet — Lisa Inoue
Daily Emerald
November 26, 2012
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