Hundreds of incoming freshmen and other University students gathered in the EMU amphitheater for the 2012 InterMingle, a student welcome event and the largest campus-wide event of the year. Activities involved free henna, a massive student-led Zumba dance demonstration, and a screening of “Jurassic Park” in the EMU’s 3rd-floor ballroom.
Students pose with Darth Vader and other characters of Oregon’s Star Wars 501st Legion and Rebel Legion in front of the EMU Fishbowl. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)
Darth Vader was joined by members of Oregon’s Star Wars 501st Legion and Rebel Legion, and provided photo ops for students throughout the evening. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)
Donovan Neal participates in the “Environmental graffiti” activity by illustrating his own idea of what sustainability is. Neal, a freshman from Reynolds High School in Portland, is considering a business or arts degree at Oregon. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)
A line quickly formed in the EMU’s cafe, The Buzz, as free henna was offered to students. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)
As dusk settled on the Oregon campus, a massive Zumba dance-off was led by students from the University’s Recreation Center. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)
Near 8pm The Duck made his appearance at InterMingle, performing the “Gangnam Style” dance during his entrance in front of the hundreds of students gathered in the amphitheater. (Michael Arellano/Emerald)