Listen to music
Listening to music can help you shift focus from your worries to the smile-inducing notes or meaningful lyrics of one of your favorite songs or albums. If you’re looking for something new, look for one of the numerous “relax” playlists on Spotify.
Snack on citrus
Citrus is known for boosting energy and for having relaxing effects. Try snacking on a bit of orange in between classes, or look for a citrus scent that you like and wear it on days you’re feeling tired or stressed.
Ditch trash talk
You don’t need the negativity.
Learn pressure points
They’re everywhere, and for just a few seconds of effort they can help release hours worth of tension.
Take some time for yourself
Sure, you have hours of homework to finish and meetings or hangouts galore, but try to take at least a half an hour to yourself every day where you do exactly what you want to do. Make time to listen to that new album you haven’t gotten to hear yet, or start a new book.
Trade coffee for tea
The caffeine and sugar found in coffee drinks can leave you feeling jittery. If you’re feeling stressed, try switching from coffee to tea, which usually has less caffeine and can help calm you down.
Try a few simple yoga poses
It doesn’t take very long, and trying simple yoga poses such as Downward-Facing Dog or Child’s Pose is a great way to get your blood flowing and loosen up.
Don’t be afraid to say “no” to some activities
Sure, you might want to set up that second meeting of the day in between classes and work, but you can’t — and shouldn’t — agree to everything all the time. Prioritizing and saying no to those things that don’t fall under your top priorities can help save you a lot of time.
Find something that makes you laugh
Look for a funny meme on Pinterest or Reddit and bookmark it, or save a message that makes you smile on your phone. Pull it up when you need a laugh.
Write down what you’re worrying about
Seeing your worries physically on paper is a great way to get them out of your head. When your worries are in a tangible form, it can be a lot easier to tackle them.
10 ways to relax when you’re feeling stressed
Kaitie Todd
September 24, 2012
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