* Thursday, April 19
4 p.m. — Riv-Ellen Prell, University of Minnesota, discusses “Ghetto Girls, Jewish Mothers, Princess Daughters: The Issue of Gender for American Jews” (lecture), 110 Law Center. Free.
8 p.m. — Magical Thursday with Donald Glaude (dj dance), WOW Hall, 291 W. Eighth Ave. $10 at the door.
8:30 p.m. — Mare Wakefield, Eileen Hemphill-Haley, Carolyn Cruso, Cafe Paradiso, 115 W. Broadway. $3.
* Friday, April 20
7:30 p.m. — 4th Annual Christianity and Arts Conference, Gutenberg College, 1883 University St. Through Saturday. $22 for entire conference, $5 for evening.
10 p.m. — Buckfast Superbee, Stark Raving Naked (indie rock), John Henry’s, 136 E. 11th Ave. $4.
* Saturday, April 21
2 p.m. — Portland Gay Men’s Chorus: “Spring Fever” (concert), Beall Concert Hall. Free.
9 p.m. — Jolly Mon, That 1 Guy (hard rock), WOW Hall. $7.
10 p.m. — Mr. Rosewater (funk), Taylor’s Bar and Grill, 894 E. 13th St. $4.
* Sunday, April 22
3 p.m. — The University Symphony: Concerto Competition Concert (concert), Beall Concert Hall. $5 general, $3 students.
9 p.m. — Northwest Royal (hard rock), John Henry’s. $3.
* Monday, April 23
8 p.m. — Dance Africa Concert, Dougherty Dance Theatre, Gerlinger Annex. Free.
8 p.m. — Simon Says, 007, The Start, Unjust (rock), Wild Duck, 169 W. 6th Ave. $7.
* Tuesday, April 24
7 p.m. — Open mic, Cafe Paradiso. Free.
7 p.m. — International Film Series: “To Live” (China), 112 Pacific. Free.
* Wednesday, April 25
8 p.m. — Amy Ray & The Butchies, Sarah Dougher (rock), WOW Hall. $10 advance, $12 at the door.
10 p.m. — Iron Fist Crew-Dance Hall Reggae (dance), John Henry’s. Free for women, $2 men.