Close encounters of the weird kind
A California man is planning to build a pyramid on Alcatraz Island. Why is he building a pyramid? Aliens told him to.
39-year-old Phil Hill@@CE@@ claims to be the owner of secret blueprints created by alien beings. The pyramid, which will supposedly be similar to the Great Pyramid of Giza, will generate endless hydrogen power, according to a secret formula in Hill’s alien schematics.
The pyramid will be 755 feet wide at the base — if he can get a permit to begin his 2012 project. If not, no need to worry: Hill has also been instructed by extraterrestrials to build a pyramid behind the Hollywood sign.
Water under the … damn.
Ever been so desperate you stole a bridge?
Well, that’s exactly what happened in New Castle, Pa. Officials say a 50-foot-long bridge made of corrugated steel just up and disappeared in early October.
The bridge, which was used occasionally to access a piece of company-owned property, was located in the woods next to railroad lines.
The company, New Castle Development, says it probably won’t replace the bridge.
36-year-old Benito Apolinar@@CE@@ has been charged with battery for punching his wife and pulling her hair, allegedly because she didn’t “like” his Facebook status.
The Texas man had posted a status on his Facebook page regarding the anniversary of his mother’s death. Apolinar was reportedly unhappy that his wife didn’t “like” it and comment, as others did.
Apolinar pleaded not guilty to the battery charge.
The secret ingredient
An Albuquerque, N.M., man has been accused of handing out yogurt samples at a grocery store laced with his own semen.
Anthony Garcia@@CE@@, 32, an employee at Sunflower Market, tainted a sample of yogurt and the sampling spoon with his juices before approaching a woman and offering her the sample.
Garcia could get a maximum of three years in prison.
Weird news: Modern pyramids and stolen bridges
Daily Emerald
October 7, 2011