Shellie Hagen Award of Excellence Sales Person of the Year
Established in the 1990’s in honor of a sales rep who was killed in an automobile accident during term break.
Established in 1999 in order to honor a newsroom MVP each year
William Hammond Award of Excellence Business Leadership
Established 2002 when the daughter of William Hammond wanted to establish an award in the name of her recently deceased father who had worked in the business dept at the Emerald during his college years. She funded the award only the first year and we have kept the tradition going.
Mason West Spirit of the Emerald Award
Established in 2003 and originally funded by former EiC Mike Kleckner, aka: Sean Roux who has since passed away. Mason worked in the newsroom on the arts and culture desk when Kleckner was EiC and showed a tremendous amount of spirit, once attempting to have a Daily Emerald halloween costume contest in the EMU amphitheater. Nobody came. Mason and the person he was down there with were both in costume and Mason had a microphone. People started arriving dressed up for a showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show in the EMU. He continued to call out to them and try to get them to come join our contest. Nobody came. But he did not give up until the two hours we had the space reserved for ended.
It is unclear what year this award was established, our first record is from 2010. This award goes to someone who works quietly and tirelessly without much public recognition. Perhaps a copy editor, factor checker or webmaster. There is no plaque for this award, because it is unsung.
Ryan M. Frank Innovation Award
Established in 2014 at the suggestion of Andy Rossback who had been EiC 2012-13 and headed up our first attempt at creating an in-house ad agency, The Venture Department. Ironically, but logically the award was given to Rossback that first year. This award is for any Emerald student who expands the breadth and depth of what it means to be a college media company.
Established in 2017, the year Ethos merged into Emerald Media Group
The Ethos MVP is the person that senior staff can always rely on – to meet deadlines, to help others, to pick up the slack where needed, to make edits into the dead of the night, to rise to the occasion. Without them, Ethos would not function.
Established in 2017, the year Ethos merged into Emerald Media Group
A person whose character, spirit, and work represent to the fullest extent what it means to work at Ethos. They devote themselves to every story, every page, with all of their heart.
Established in 2017 to recognize excellence in newly created roles in the business departments.
Established in 2022 at the end of the 50 years of independence celebration and fundraiser. Given to Paul Brainerd for being EIC the first year of Emerald independence. Given to Jim Gregory in 2023 for support and matching donations. Given to Jim Penseiro in 2024 for support and establishing the Pensiero editorial awards which give $5,000 in awards to students each spring.