When I look at the candidates this year, the biggest difference that stands them apart from each other is their past accomplishments. Katie Taylor helped shut down the Boardman coal plant, Oregon’s last coal plant, and was one of the main organizers for a 500-person regional environmental conference that took place at the University of Oregon. I can’t think of anything that Ben Bowman or Laura Hinman have done to advance sustainability initiatives. @@http://uoregon.edu/findpeople/person/ben*bowman@@ @@http://uoregon.edu/findpeople/person/laura*hinman@@
Katie has proven herself as an adept organizer. A few summers ago she ran one of the top-averaging canvassing offices in the country, raising over $60,000 that went to improving the quality of food in school lunches. Katie also ran voter registration drives in 2008 and 2010 at Lane Community College, registering thousands of students to vote. Katie doesn’t just talk about registering voters, she has actual experience doing it and she has been very successful at it.
This last year as ASUO vice president, Katie has improved relationships with student programs, ensured greater transparency around the changes to the Office of Multicultural Academic Success (OMAS) and fought for student oversight over the changes to the Department of Public Safety. Katie is the only candidate who has experience protecting student resources and advancing student autonomy.
Katie has proven that students can create positive change on a campus, state and even federal level. Unlike other candidates, Katie has not spent her time getting involved in ASUO drama, she has spent her time working hard in the campus community. When you cast your vote in the ASUO elections this week, remember what Katie has accomplished. Then ask yourself what the other candidates have accomplished. I bet you won’t be able to think of very much.
Maneesh Arora
Former ASUO Vice President