Most of the Internet community has known for about a week that online photo-hosting-and-tinting giant Instagram@@ was bought out by Facebook for the low, low price of $1 billion. It caused a large stir on the series of tubes we populate that such a young company was deemed worthy of such a price tag.
And yet, for all the good that the site can do, it can also be a major annoyance. For some reason, not everything looks hip and vintage in a sepia tone. So, here are the top 10 types of photos we never want to see again from the site.
10. Your food before you eat it.@@yum@@
9. A pint of beer.
8. Anything with the “Duckface” @@— Right … Wrong@@Take everything out after the emdash for print@@
7. Shoes … just shoes.
6. Random household items.
5. Clothing items.
4. Mirror pics.
3. An “artistic” shot of a “clever” quote or phrase.
2. Way too many pictures of pets.
1. Assorted flora.
Top 10 Instagram photos we never want to see again
Franklin Bains
April 17, 2012