Take a Minute is a daily post that will catch you up on Internet happenings on campus and around the world.
More: Special prosecutor confirms George Zimmerman is already is custody, turned himself in – live video bit.ly/GGZ4oj
— Breaking News (@BreakingNews) April 11, 2012
Am starting a neighborhood watch to make my neighborhood safe from violent neighborhood watch dudes. #trayvon
— Andy Borowitz (@BorowitzReport) April 11, 2012
Trayvon’s mother: Thank God. We simply wanted an arrest. A heart has no color. It’s not black or white. It’s red. From my heart..thank U.
— Ann Curry (@AnnCurry) April 11, 2012
You rose up & took to the streets to demand a killer be brought to justice-Now #TrayvonMartin will have peace.ow.ly/adAN9 #winning
— Occupy Wall Street (@OccupyWallStNYC) April 11, 2012
On a bit of a lighter note, everyone should check out this website: thisisnotporn.net. It’s true, it’s really not porn!
I don’t know how they do it, but they get their hands on some sweet pics of famous people that nobody else seems to have. Like this one of a young Bill Clinton meeting John F. Kennedy:
Or this one of, bizarrely enough, Marlon Jackson, Michael Jackson, Magic Johnson, Tatum O’Neal and Dan Aykroyd:
Or perhaps this gem of a young Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire posing together:
Check it out if you need a study break. But be warned: You may look up four hours later and realize you forgot to go to class.
Video of the day:
I love this guy. Love him. I don’t know who he is, where that kick-ass accent is from or why we aren’t already married, but I need him in my life. I feel like he could really boost my self esteem.
Think you found something worthy of the next Take a Minute? Hit me up on Twitter!