We feel that it is our duty as campus leaders to endorse and support Ben Bowman in this year’s ASUO presidential race. Bowman has valuable experience stemming from his role as the Legislative Affairs Coordinator@@Frank says this is the correct title@@, his work as an ASUO senator and the Athletics and Contracts Finance Committee chair@@http://asuo.uoregon.edu/about.php@@. He and his running mate, Senate President Lamar Wise@@http://directory.uoregon.edu/telecom/directory.jsp?p=findpeople%2Ffind_results&m=student&d=person&b=name&s=lamar+wise@@, are uniquely qualified to bring students together and to lead the student government. Bowman and Wise are more than qualified for the position of president and vice president, and we believe they are the best people to do the job.
Bowman would bring a type of character to the position of president that has not been seen in the ASUO for a long time. As a Freshman Interest Group assistant and a member of the ASUO, Bowman has developed relationships with a wide variety of students. Bowman has interacted with many of the student groups this university has to offer and supports increased student involvement within the ASUO and among other student groups.
One of Bowman’s major platform points is to fight for more affordable tuition. Bowman’s experience as Legislative Affairs Coordinator makes him the best candidate to work on this issue. He has worked directly with members of the state legislature and has extensive experience organizing and running campaigns. No other candidate in this race can say the same.
Bowman has said many times in the past that he wants to leave the University better than he found it. In office, Bowman will fight for the needs of students and the needs of future students. By this time next year, should Bowman win, the University will be in better shape than it is now. We guarantee it.
Kathryne Maurer, President of UO College Democrats@@http://www.linkedin.com/pub/kathryne-maurer/28/284/7a0@@
Toby Fish, President of Beta Theta Pi@@https://my.betathetapi.org/ors/chaptersoverview.aspx?id=100195@@
Nathan Howard, At-large director of UO Sustainability Center@@http://www.linkedin.com/in/nathanhowardwebsite@@
Alex Burns, President of Phi Delta Theta@@http://www.uophidelts.com/blog.html@@
Sophie Luthin, ASUO Environmental Advocate; Campaign Manager@@http://asuo.uoregon.edu/executive.php?a=12#toc63@@
Harlan Mechling, ASUO Senate Vice President; Senate Candidate@@http://tinyurl.com/85hoxvl@@
Minna Kim, Residence Hall Association Vice President of Programming@@http://rha.uoregon.edu/committees/executive-board/minna-kim/@@
Andrew Lubash, ASUO Freshman Representative@@http://asuo.uoregon.edu/senate.php?a=30#toc978@@
Nina Nolen, Public Relations Coordinator, ASUO Women’s center; ASUO Senator@@http://directory.uoregon.edu/telecom/directory.jsp?p=findpeople%2Ffind_results&m=student&d=person&b=name&s=Nina+Nolen@@
Rachel Gowland, ASUO Programs Administrator@@http://asuo.uoregon.edu/executive.php?a=12#toc33@@